There is a magic in Turquoise.
Especially turquoise from the Royston Mine of Nevada.
The deep rich blue green streaked with shades of tawny, cinnamon, and burnt sienna.
it's like a birds eye view of the earth. Looking down on an alpine lake from the peak of a mountain, or the deep fresh water cenotes nestled in the lush rainforest.
Theres a peace, a serenity found in the deep blue green hues.
This amazing piece of high grade Royston turquoise is like a little work of art all on it's own. She measures a bit over 1 inch wide by just under 2 inches tall.
Beautiful little florals have been hand cast in sterling silver and are sprinkled along the curves of the turquoise.
The split band cuff is sterling silver and accented at the opening with more little cast florals and leaves.
Every detail meticulously thought through and placed.
it is a standard size cuff measuring 6 inches in length before forming with a 1 inch opening.